NHS will be volunteering at Lafreniere Park on October 28 for Park-A-Boo, a Halloween celebration for kids under the age of 13. For those who have signed up to go, we'll be working from 4-9pm. For more information and directions, go to http://park-a-boo.com/.
The Baptist Friendship House is no longer collecting Box Tops and is instead collecting Campbell's soup labels. If you would like to help them in their service for women and children, we encourage you to do so! However, our chapter will still be collecting Box Tops. We will be giving what we collect to our runner up: Woodmere Elementary.
$10 member fees are due at the end of the month! Be sure to give your dues to Yen Vo, our treasurer.
We have been approved as a Dream Machine Recycle Rally School! On Friday, our recycling kit came. We received a laptop, scanner, stickers, and other miscellaneous things that will help our school's endeavor to recycle. Our bins will come in later. At the meeting today, we played a video about the Dream Machine Recycle Rally (it can be found here: http://www.dreammachinerecyclerally.com/apply/) and we created a roster of members interested in staying after school on Tuesdays to scan and organize bottles. Please contact Kimberly Beckford, our secretary, if you would like to add your name to the list. The number of days/ hours we stay after school are subject to change depending on how many bottles we receive. Hopefully, Thomas Jefferson will be receiving masses of recyclables (non-alcoholic plastic bottles and aluminum cans only please). Please encourage your peers, relatives, and all other contacts to recycle their bottles and cans at Thomas Jefferson!