At one of our previous meetings, we mentioned recycling paper. As a school, we go through hundreds of sheets of paper a day. Paper recyclables, for us, would easily surpass plastics and aluminum cans. However, recycling paper would cost us $10 each month--the fee for a tote. Unlike with bottles and cans, we won't be involved in a program that aids us to recycle. Recylcing paper would be on our own initiative. Because we are still perfecting our system with beverage containers, we've decided to do paper recycling next school year. We still need members to help separate, sort, and scan recyclables! If you are interested in helping us, tell us! Some tasks, such as sorting and collecting the bottles from the box outside the office, only take ten minutes during the morning, lunch, or after school. This would also contribute to your ten hours of service NHS requires. Once we get a better system, we will be able to focus on other things such as paper recycling.
We hope everyone has been clipping box tops! YES, we are still collecting those for Woodmere Elementary and will be doing so until the end of the school year.
Continue to do your service hours! The ten hours needed by NHS will be collected towards the middle of the next semester, which will also be when we hold our elections for the officers of the 2012-2013 school year.
Our next meeting will be in 2012!. Check the page on the right panel over the break for an update of the dates for our meetings. Good luck on your exams (remember you must maintain a 3.5 GPA) and Happy Holidays!